Trading Hall

Trading HallArmazenamento

The following basic options are supported:

(string) (optional) The source of your video file. If not included it will auto-populate with the first video file attached to the post. You can use the following options to define specific filetypes, allowing for graceful fallbacks:

mp4, m4v, webm, ogv, wmv, flv
Default: First video file attached to the post

Defines image to show as placeholder before the media plays.
Default: none

(string) Allows for the looping of media. Defaults to “off.”

“off” – (“default”) does not loop the media
“on” – media will loop to beginning when finished and automatically continue playing
Default: “off”

(string) Causes the media to automatically play as soon as the media file is ready. Defaults to “off.”

“off” – (“default”) does not automatically play the media
“on” – Media will play as soon as the media is ready

Trading Hall

Trading HallArmazenamento

The following basic options are supported:

(string) (optional) The source of your video file. If not included it will auto-populate with the first video file attached to the post. You can use the following options to define specific filetypes, allowing for graceful fallbacks:

mp4, m4v, webm, ogv, wmv, flv
Default: First video file attached to the post

Defines image to show as placeholder before the media plays.
Default: none

(string) Allows for the looping of media. Defaults to “off.”

“off” – (“default”) does not loop the media
“on” – media will loop to beginning when finished and automatically continue playing
Default: “off”

(string) Causes the media to automatically play as soon as the media file is ready. Defaults to “off.”

“off” – (“default”) does not automatically play the media
“on” – Media will play as soon as the media is ready

Trading Hall

Trading HallArmazenamento

The following basic options are supported:

(string) (optional) The source of your video file. If not included it will auto-populate with the first video file attached to the post. You can use the following options to define specific filetypes, allowing for graceful fallbacks:

mp4, m4v, webm, ogv, wmv, flv
Default: First video file attached to the post

Defines image to show as placeholder before the media plays.
Default: none

(string) Allows for the looping of media. Defaults to “off.”

“off” – (“default”) does not loop the media
“on” – media will loop to beginning when finished and automatically continue playing
Default: “off”

(string) Causes the media to automatically play as soon as the media file is ready. Defaults to “off.”

“off” – (“default”) does not automatically play the media
“on” – Media will play as soon as the media is ready

Trading Hall

Trading HallArmazenamento

The following basic options are supported:

(string) (optional) The source of your video file. If not included it will auto-populate with the first video file attached to the post. You can use the following options to define specific filetypes, allowing for graceful fallbacks:

mp4, m4v, webm, ogv, wmv, flv
Default: First video file attached to the post

Defines image to show as placeholder before the media plays.
Default: none

(string) Allows for the looping of media. Defaults to “off.”

“off” – (“default”) does not loop the media
“on” – media will loop to beginning when finished and automatically continue playing
Default: “off”

(string) Causes the media to automatically play as soon as the media file is ready. Defaults to “off.”

“off” – (“default”) does not automatically play the media
“on” – Media will play as soon as the media is ready

Trading Hall

Trading HallArmazenamento

The following basic options are supported:

(string) (optional) The source of your video file. If not included it will auto-populate with the first video file attached to the post. You can use the following options to define specific filetypes, allowing for graceful fallbacks:

mp4, m4v, webm, ogv, wmv, flv
Default: First video file attached to the post

Defines image to show as placeholder before the media plays.
Default: none

(string) Allows for the looping of media. Defaults to “off.”

“off” – (“default”) does not loop the media
“on” – media will loop to beginning when finished and automatically continue playing
Default: “off”

(string) Causes the media to automatically play as soon as the media file is ready. Defaults to “off.”

“off” – (“default”) does not automatically play the media
“on” – Media will play as soon as the media is ready